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Contemporary Music, Classical, A Cappella, Vocal, Jazz, Pop....
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Piano Album

Piano Album

SKU: PLS24614
An anthology of 9 piano paintings by Simone Pionieri.

Simone Pioneers

13,99 23,99  VAT included

White Christmas

White Christmas

SKU: PL 6509
The Christmas album by SACS - Spirituals A Cappella Sounds.

SACS (Spirituals a cappella sound)

12,20  VAT included

Playing the Sax Is a Game

Playing the Sax Is a Game

SKU: PLS13118
Playing the sax is a game is a collection of works by Giovanni De Luca dedicated to the saxophone.

Giovanni De Luca

13,99 23,99  VAT included

Big Charleston

Big Charleston

SKU: PLS2807-D
Big Charleston per Big Band del compositore Antonio Eros Negri è disponibile in formato Partitura PDF.

Antonio Eros Negri

9,99  VAT included



SKU: PL 12314
Harpscapes is the first album by harpist Raoul Moretti.

Raoul Moretti

14,90  VAT included

A Cappella Made in Italy Christmas – Vol 2

A Cappella Made in Italy Christmas – Vol 2

SKU: PL 8911
The second compilation of Italian a cappella groups dedicated to Christmas.

Various artists

Christmas Sparkles

Christmas Sparkles

SKU: PLS16812
Christmas Sparkles consists of two suites in which the composer has harmonised and elaborated European Christmas melodies, covering a period from the Middle Ages to the 19th century, from the Anglo-Saxon, Bohemian, French, Italian (Sicilian), Latin, Spanish and German traditions.

Paolo Coggiola

17,36 30,09  VAT included

Diario musicale – THE BAND

Diario musicale – THE BAND

SKU: PL 5809
Six friends, united by their love of music, put together a band, the Garage: Maggie, Nick, Viola, Umberto, Bonzo and Lucrezia. They meet every day, after school, in the garage of Maggie, the band leader, dreaming of becoming famous. The garage turns into a free zone: outside the world of school and adults; inside all their desires. In the garage the boys play and rehearse their songs, but not only that: first loves, pranks and first concerts are born. "MUSICAL DIARY" contains all the Garage songs.


12,20  VAT included

Omaggio a Milorad Pavic

Omaggio a Milorad Pavic

SKU: PLS35923
Omaggio a Milorad Pavic è un'opera del compositore Ettore Figliola per Flauto, Vibrafono e Chitarra composta nel 2023.Omaggio a Milorad Pavicè stato scritto per il festival "Muzicom Kroz Muzej" di Belgrado organizzato da Unica Art in collaborazione con il "Museo Storico della Serbia" e dedicato ai maestri Andrea Saracino, Leonardo Recchia e Pasquale Rinaldi. L'opera è una rilettura del romanzo "Ero e Leandro" di Museo Grammatico, vicenda già nota perché comparsa per la prima volta nelle Eroidi di Ovidio, ma contaminata in questa occasione dalla reinterpretazione che Milorad Pavic compie nel suo romanzo "Il lato interno del vento ossia Il romanzo di Hero e Leandro" in cui non le acque, ma il tempo separa i due personaggi.

Ettore Figliola

28,74 52,49  VAT included




SKU: PL 17419
From the encounter between Fabio Lepore, one of the most internationally appreciated Italian jazz singers, and Salvatore Russo, a well-known gypsy jazz guitarist, comes "Fragile", a mix of gypsy jazz and Italian and international melody.

Fabio Lepore

15,00  VAT included

Una Storia più grande di noi

Una Storia più grande di noi

SKU: PL1700-D
By popular demand, Don Claudio Burgio's historical album Una Storia ...

Claudio Burgio



SKU: PL 17118
Rĕvŏlūtĭo is a sonic tale, intertwining science and transcendence, matter and antimatter.

Carlos Zarattini

en_GBEnglish (UK)
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