Ludovico (Dodo) Versino was born in Rome in 1982, and from an early age developed a great passion for acting on the one hand and choral singing on the other. His mother is a dubbing assistant for C.D.C., a historic dubbing company, while his father is a travel agent for American Express, but in his spare time he is also a chorister in COROANAROMA, whose concerts he never misses.
Durante l’infanzia studia pianoforte classico con il maestro Aldo Ragone e a sedici anni riesce a entrare nel coro Harmonic Entropies as a bass guitarist. In his spare time he goes to school: elementary and middle school at the Scuola Socrate, high school at the Liceo Classico G. De Sanctis in Rome.
Con la maggiore età Dodo Versino intraprende la carriera di attore: studia recitazione e dizione con Antonio Sanna, partecipa ad alcune rappresentazioni teatrali e, dal 2007, lavora come doppiatore, interpretando i ruoli più balordi e disparati in film, serie tv, cartoni animati, documentari. Parallelamente inizia a suonare come tastierista in un tributo ai Doors, i Burning Bright.
Nel 2003 Dodo Versino fonda il settetto vocale a cappella Anonymous Harmonists, di cui è basso, arrangiatore e tiratore di fili. Nel 2006 si laurea al DAMS, inizia a studiare canto sul serio con il M° Adriana Giunta e fonda assieme al fratello Michele il Cantering Choir, a choral group of young people inexplicably specialising in Italian popular music. Since 2010 it has been organising the VokalFest, raduno della musica vocale giovanile. Nel 2011 entra nel consiglio direttivo dell’ARCL (Associazione Regionale Cori del Lazio).
Nel 2013 debutta come solista in un tributo a Fabrizio De André, Different People, intraprende studi di direzione corale con il M° Claudia Gili e viene chiamato a dirigere il neonato Hill Choirhis first mixed choir for adults in the Bufalotta district. That year also saw the birth of theCultural Association Decantowhich brings together all its choral and vocal ensembles in order to 'exist' legally, fiscally and organisationally.
At the same time, at a concert, he was approached by a classics teacher who said to him: "Would you like to come and set up a choir in my high school?". And so, at the end of 2012, the Liceo Classico Pilo school choir was born. Albertelli of Rome. This was the beginning of his adventure in high schools, which a few years later led him to direct school choirs in ten high schools in the city, involving and convincing more than 500 teenagers to sing in the choir with him. In 2014 he opened the choir of the Liceo Scientifico Keplero and the Liceo Classico Augusto, in 2016 the choir of the I.S.S. De Sanctis, in 2018 the choir of the Liceo Visconti, in 2019 the choirs of the Liceo Cavour, Catullo, Mamiani, Righi and Tasso.
Nel frattempo nel 2014 Dodo Versino dà vita al Tiny Vocal Space, a mixed group of twelve particularly nerdy elements. In 2015 he started a new outstanding youth choir: the Grifoncoro. In 2016 he opened in the EUR district the Ginger Choir, perché «la Collina è troppo lontana per quelli di Roma sud». Nel 2017 fonda il quintetto vocale Eyes Closed in Open Sea.
Nel 2019 fa nascere anche the choir that is not therea huge group of 90 young people from the choirs of the above-mentioned high schools. This choir achieved unprecedented success, even becoming known in the United States for a video made during quarantine. And it was also during quarantine that it created the TELECORE, an online music school with various subjects (solfeggio, harmony, arrangement, ear training, beatbox, etc.) created with the aim of keeping choristers together during the period of social distancing.
Per non farsi mancare niente nel frattempo Dodo Versino prosegue anche con la carriera di doppiatore, e dopo anni passati a doppiare “quelli che muoiono subito” gli vengono via via affidati ruoli più importanti, fino ad arrivare a doppiare personaggi riconoscibili in alcuni film, serie TV e cartoni. Già che c’è fa anche qualche spot televisivo.