Sconti su CD e Spartiti

Sconti su CD e Spartiti

Looking for discounts on CDs and sheet music? Have you purchased sheet music or a CD on Preludiomusic? Write your review in the product file and you will receive a 30% promotional voucher on your next purchase! Writing reviews is easy and there...
Chiusura estiva

Chiusura estiva

Friends of good music, we would like to inform you that our E-Shop for CDs and sheet music will be closed from 8/8 until 28/8. It will still be possible to place orders and sheet music in PDF format will still be available for download immediately after purchase. For sheet music in...
Il cd di Tango La Espera: 2 recensioni

Il cd di Tango La Espera: 2 recensioni

Il cd di Tango “La Espera” di Kairos Tango ha ottenuto, poco dopo l’uscita con l’etichetta Preludio, due recensioni dal Corriere del Ticino e dalla Provincia di Como. Cd di Tango La Espera: La Provincia di Como Ecco cosa scrive La Provincia di...
Uranus by HELO

Uranus by HELO

Today sees the release of 'Uranus', a new video clip from HELO's album 'WE ARE ALL ASTRONAUTS'. It is the track 'Uranus'. Helo is a side-project formed in 2021 by Alessandro Fanali, multi-instrumentalist and vocalist...
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