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La suggestiva “Notte delle lumere” di Barracano

La suggestiva “Notte delle lumere” di Barracano

The Night of the Lights is inspired by the magical moment that occurs every year between 31 October and ...
Due Pezzi di Sergej Rachmaninov per pianoforte a quattro mani

Due Pezzi di Sergej Rachmaninov per pianoforte a quattro mani

Two Pieces by Sergei Rachmaninov is an anthology published by Editions Preludio and reunites in an elaboration for 4-hand piano by Rodolfo Saraco.
Esce “Low” di Alessio Manega

Esce “Low” di Alessio Manega

The title takes its cue from the line-up to which it is dedicated, the Tube Quartet, and their register.
“Ave Maria” di De André per coro

“Ave Maria” di De André per coro

Filippo Stefanelli publishes with Preludio his arrangement for SATB choir of Fabrizio De Luca's Ave Maria, ...


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