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Since 2007 Preludiomusic is the shop for quality Independent Music!

Blogs & News

Due nuove opere di Paolo Coggiola

Due nuove opere di Paolo Coggiola

Two new works by Paolo Coggiola are released by Preludio Editions: Responsoria in Sabbato Sancto, for mixed a cappella choir, and Quatre Chansos de Ronsard, for ensemble.
Sconti su CD e Spartiti

Sconti su CD e Spartiti

Looking for discounts on CDs and sheet music? Have you purchased sheet music or a CD on Preludiomusic? Write your review ...
Chiusura estiva

Chiusura estiva

Friends of good music, we inform you that our E-Shop for CDs and sheet music will be closed from 8/8 until ...
Sonnenwende per armonica cromatica e pianoforte

Sonnenwende per armonica cromatica e pianoforte

Sonnenwende for chromatic harmonica and piano is a work composed in 1999 by Paolo Cattaneo and released today with Preludio.


Sheet music and scores: what's new and what's popular

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Record productions: what's new and the most popular albums

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The New E-Shop


Our artists and composers


Simone Pietro Quaroni

Simone Pietro Quaroni

Quarto eccedente

Quarto eccedente

Blue Penguin

Blue Penguin

Coro Noi Cantando

Coro Noi Cantando

Marcos Vinicius

Marcos Vinicius

Antonio Eros Negri

Antonio Eros Negri

Paolo Coggiola

Paolo Coggiola



Corrado Neri

Corrado Neri

Rodolfo Saraco

Rodolfo Saraco

Andrea Figallo

Andrea Figallo

Fabrizio Aiello

Fabrizio Aiello

The New E-Shop

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