Claudio Burgio, Luigi Serenthà

Two prayers for Carlo Maria Martini

For Voices, Clarinet, Violin and Organ

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Il 31 agosto 2012 è scomparso il cardinale Carlo Maria Martini, uomo di Fede particolarmente amato dalla Comunità milanese e stimato ed apprezzato da tutta la Chiesa Cattolica. In occasione del funerale, celebrato in Duomo il 3 settembre 2012, la sorella del cardinale chiese a don Claudio Burgio, maestro di cappella del Duomo, di eseguire Due preghiere per Carlo Maria Martini. Tu mi chiami e Tu mi basti Signore sono ora qui pubblicate, con una breve prefazione di Maria Martini Facchini stessa, che ricorda in un aneddoto l’amore che legava il cardinale alla musica fin da bambino.

Due preghiere per Carlo Maria Martini è un'opera di Don Claudio Burgio per voci, clarinetto, violino e organo.

Il 31 agosto 2012 è scomparso il cardinale Carlo Maria Martini, uomo di Fede particolarmente amato dalla Comunità milanese e stimato ed apprezzato da tutta la Chiesa Cattolica. In occasione del funerale, celebrato in Duomo il 3 settembre 2012, la sorella del cardinale chiese a don Claudio Burgio, maestro di cappella del Duomo, di eseguire due preghiere dedicate Carlo Maria Martini. Tu mi chiami e Tu mi basti Signore sono ora qui pubblicate, con una breve prefazione di Maria Martini Facchini stessa, che ricorda in un aneddoto l'amore che legava il cardinale alla musica fin da bambino.

Maria Martini Facchini
Reverend Don Claudio Burgio
Dear Don Claudio.
gave me a not easy and emotionally taxing task, that of bearing witness to my brother Carlo's passion for music as a child.
I spent a Sunday immersing myself in my family's archives among photographs, pictures, letters to baby Jesus and beautiful report cards.
I had in mind an episode of Carlo as a child that I later found described much better than I could have done in the publication My Mozart, published in 2006, which I enclose.
I gladly sent it to him because this fact was long remembered in the family and it was also a vivid memory for my brother.
Cordial greetings
Turin. 8 October 2012

Among the Mozart pieces you return to most often, is there a favourite on turti? And why?
I recalled earlier Fine Kleine Nachtmusik. And it occurs to me that many years ago, while I was in Scotland during the summer, I listened to it indefinitely, as if to learn it by heart. The reason I could not express. It is difficult to say in music why one prefers one song to another. The reason probably lies deep inside.

When and how did you meet Mozart?
I don't know. I seem to have known it all my life. Perhaps it was the text of some sonatina I learned as a child, when I took piano lessons between the ages of seven and eleven. Then I abandoned this activity altogether, but Mozart always remained in my mind.

Do you have any special memories associated with Mozart? Any anecdotes?
In addition to what was said before, there is an anecdote that I do not know if it is related to Mozart, but has to do with music and rhythm. As a child - maybe I was six or seven - I found myself with my parents in a hotel where an orchestra was playing. Fascinated by the music and rhythm, I approached the musicians and started to give the movements of a conductor...

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Claudio Burgio, Luigi Serenthà


Singing, Clarinet, Organ, Violin


Paper score, PDF score



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