Born in Broni (PV) in 1983, he graduated in Organ in 2006 at the Conservatorio 'G. Nicolini' in Piacenza, specialising in 2008 at the Conservatorio 'G. Verdi' in Milan, where he obtained a Level II Diploma with top marks. At the same institute he graduated in Harpsichord in 2011. Passionate about brass instruments, he has been privately studying trombone and baritone flugelhorn since 2015.
He has attended interpretation courses in Italy on various repertoires with teachers such as L. F. Tagliavini, G. Parodi, M. Nosetti, E. Vianelli and A. Corti and in Holland (at the 'Haarlem Summer Academy') with M. Radulescu, B. Van Oosten and J. B. Robin.
He mainly works as a solo organist, at a local level. He is a collaborator of the 'F. Vittadini' Chorale in Pavia and performs liturgical service in the church of S. Luca in Pavia.
He began his recording career in 2015 with the CD 'Musiques d'Europe' recorded on the organ of the Cathédrale S.te Cécile in Albi (France) and published by the Association 'Christophe Moucherel'.
Passionate about organology, he has participated as an assistant in the cataloguing of historical organs in the Province of Pavia, was co-rapporteur at the Study Conference 'L'arte organaria dei Lingiardi' (Cremona, 2009) and has compiled several technical monographs on organs recently restored in the Pavia area (Bereguardo and Bascapè).