The story begins in 2009, with the formation of an ensemble characterised by a cryptographic name (Q-Art@) and a rather unusual ensemble: flute, clarinet, double bass and piano. During the spring of that year, the quartet was busy recording some pieces written for the group by Antonio Eros Negri, a composer, colleague and friend. It was during these recordings that the quartet decided to tackle an entire recording project entrusted to the music of the Milanese composer and to add some 'Variations', written by Stefano Dall'Ora, on a theme by A.E. Negri himself. The line-up consists of Barbara Tartari on flute, Claudia Bracco on piano, Carlo dell'Acqua on clarinet and Stefano Dall'Ora on double bass. The disc 'Q-Art@ playing Antonio Eros Negri' also features the participation of pianist Stefania Orselli in a piece for piano four-hands.