Luigi Capuano was born in Corato in 1984. He trained at the Niccolò Piccinni Conservatory of Music in Bari obtaining his 2nd level academic diplomas in Choral Music and Choir Direction, Flute and in Didactics. He studied at the Choir Conducting School for primary schools of the Arcopu - Feniarco Choral Association obtaining a final diploma. He attended orchestra and choir conducting courses with Maestros Giovanni Pelliccia, Luigi Leo, Maurizio Billi and Filippo Maria Bressan. He undertook composition studies with Maestro Andrea Marena and Maestro Federico Biscione. In 2012 he won 3rd prize ex aequo with the piece Schizzo (for wind sextet and percussion) at the 1st International Composition Competition Terra di Puglia in Bari. In 2013, he won 2nd prize with the piece L'equilibrista at the 1st A.. Parisi Pettena in Aosta. Also in 2013, the 3rd prize ex aequo with Clariquartet, a composition for clarinet quartet, at the 12th Don Vincenzo Vitti International Competition for Performance and Composition in Castellana Grotte (Ba). He is the author of Ave Maria for tenor, choir and orchestra, premiered at the Municipal Theatre of Corato in 2013. In 2015 he composed Vento d'Armenia for soprano, clarinet, violin, cello and percussion for concerts and conferences on the figure of the Armenian poet Hrand Nazariantz in Bari. In 2016 he participated with other composers in the performance, at the Forma theatre in Bari, of the ballet on W. Shakespeare's The Tempest by composing the Caliban scene. Also in 2016, his Sonatina for trumpet and piano, by the duo Cavallo-Fontana, and the piece for solo trumpet Images performed by Angelo Cavallo were recorded for Preludio Music; the latter composition also gave the title to the entire album. He has made arrangements and transcriptions for various ensembles (symphony orchestra, brass orchestra and wind ensemble) and also didactic arrangements for Smim and Licei Musicali. He has collaborated with several soloists including flutist Leonardo Grittani and trumpeter Angelo Cavallo. He combines his composing activity with teaching as a flute teacher at music-oriented middle schools.