Classical guitarist, Andrea Thomas Gambetti he studied with Giorgio Logiri and Lena Kokkaliari before being admitted to Paolo Paolini's class, with whom he graduated, obtaining top marks in the interpretation test, at the Conservatorio 'G. Verdi' in Milan.
He specialised with Ruggero Chiesa, Dusan Bogdanovic, Paolo Cherici and Marcos Vinicius.
He attended the International Early Music Courses in Isolabona, specialising in baroque singing with Claudine Ansermet.
He completed his studies in Choir Direction with Antonio Eros Negri at the Pontifical Ambrosian Institute of Sacred Music.
He studied polyphonic - vocal composition.
He specialised in conducting under the guidance of Pierangelo Gelmini.
He is director of the Città Studi Polyphonic Chorale dalla costituzione, nel 1990. Con la corale ha tenuto concerti nelle più importanti basiliche di Milano e della Lombardia.
He has been teaching pop a cappella vocals for Solevoci festival in Varese in 2003 and in Cortina in 2005, for Musicando a Riccione nel 2004, 2005, 2008 e 2013. Nel 2023 è stato protagonista di due masterclass da lui tenute al coro de La Toscanini Next a Parma. Numerose associazioni corali lo hanno invitato a tenere seminari e workshop dedicati alle tecniche di concertazione a cappella.
E’ laureato in Economia e Commercio, all’Università Cattolica con indirizzo Marketing & Pubblicità.
Since 1994, she has been a vocalist in the a cappella vocal quintet "ALTI & BASSI"with which it performs an intense concert and radio activity in Italy and abroad.
Since 1998 he has led Prelude.